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Heritage Resources Survey for the Forest Health Thinning Project Fannin, Union, and Lumpkin Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

A cultural resources survey has been completed for the Forest Health Thinning Project. The thinning project proposes a total of 603 acres. Twenty-one stands from 22-53 years old were identified as needing thinning. Of those 21 stands only portions of four stands have been previously surveyed for an approximate total of 70 acres (Bruce 1994, Wynn 1988, Wynn 1982). A few acres of the current project are also included in the blizzard survey of 1993 (Shumate et al 1993). Two previously recorded historic sites (9UN18, 9LU29) are within the Area of Potential Effect, however, they were both determined ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The present survey inventoried 533 acres and recorded twelve new sites: three historic, eight prehistoric and one prehistoric and historic site. Of these twelve sites, one is recommended as undetermined and eleven are recommended as ineligible.