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A Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Park Site near Young Harris: Towns County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

At the request of the Parks and Historic Sites Division of the Department of Natural Resources, an archaeological inspection of a proposed park site near Young Harris in Towns County, Georgia was conducted by Daniel L. Simpkins of the Office of the State Archaeologist from November 17 through November 20, 1987. Twelve archaeological sites were recorded as the result of the survey. These sites were given the field numbers YH1-YH12 where "YH" refers to "Young Harris". The sites have also been assigned the west Georgia College numbers WGC1593 through WGC1604. The site forms for the twelve sites have been forwarded to the University of Georgia for permanent site designations, but those numbers have not yet been received. For the purposes of this report, all sites are referred to by their original field numbers. YH1 through YH10 contain primarily Woodland and Mississippian components, YH11 is a boulder with nutting or anvil holes of unknown chronological provenience, and YH12 is an isolated Archaic biface perhaps from the Morrow Mountain period. The ceramics from YHl through YH10 are almost exclusively fine sand termpered with occasional coarse sand or grit-tempered sherds present. The amount of temper included in the paste is generally slight at all the recorded sites, and paddle-stamped and plain sherds predominate in all site collections where surface treatments could be ascertained.