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Archaeological Survey of GDOT Project CSBRG-0007-00(030), Dawson County; HP-110307-014

Report Number
Year of Publication

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, GDOT Project CSBRG-0007-00(030), Dawson County, has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The purpose of the survey was to locate, identify and evaluate the significance of any archaeological resources within the proposed project's area of potential environmental effect. The existing bridge, 085-0001-0, has a 34-ft deck width with a roadway width on the bridge of 27 feet and a length of 110 feet. The roadway approach width is 26 feet with 2-twelve foot lanes and 8 feet of grass shoulders. The existing right-of-way width is 100 feet (50 feet on each side of centerline) to 40 feet south of the bridge. The proposed project consists of replacing the structurally deficient bridge along SR 9 over the Etowah River at its existing location with a 40-ft wide and approximately 140-ft long bridge. This bridge will have two 12-ft lanes in each direction and 8-ft shoulders. No new right-of-way is anticipated. Easement for construction of slopes may be required but is not anticipated. This project will begin at approximately Mile Point 1.60 and end at Mile Point 1.75 for a total length of 790 feet. The mile design speed design will be 45 mph.