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Cultural Resources Survey of the River Island Tract, Columbia County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Brockington and Associates, Inc. undertook cultural resources investigations of the River Island Tract in December 2004. The River Island Tract occupies 159.6 acres. These cultural resources investigations were undertaken to provide information concerning the kinds of cultural resources present on the tract and how these resources may affect the future use of the tract. This survey included a review of the history of land ownership and use through public documents, a review of previous investigations within andneartheprojecttract, and field investigations. The field investigations included the excavation of shovel tests at 15 and 30 meter intervals, where possible, across the project tract. The steep side slopes were investigated by pedestrian traverse and were inspected for rock shelters. The shoreline of the Savannah River within the project tract was visually inspected for artifact scatters.     Investigators identified four archaeological sites (9CB619, 9CB620, 9CB622, and 9CB623) and the three isolated finds (Isolates 1-3) during the cultural resources survey of the River Island Tract. We recommend sites 9CB619, 9CB620, 9CB622, and 9CB623 as well as the three isolated finds not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Development of the River Island Tract will not affect any historic properties.