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Addendum: Cultural Resources Survey Proposed Mills Corporation Commercial Development Site Gwinnett County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On November 3, 1998, R.S. Webb and Associates (RSWA) conducted a cultural resources survey of approximately 10.5-hectares (ha) which were added to the proposed Mills Corporation Commercial Development Site in west central Gwinnett County, Georgia. The current project area consists of acreage added to an approximately 81.0-ha area which was surveyed by RSW A during June of 1998 (Keith 1998). The project was performed in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. The cultural resources assessment was conducted to locate and identify cultural resources within the project area and assess resource significance based on National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) criteria [36 CFR Part 60.4 (d)]. The project area is located approximately 9.1 kilometers (km) east of Meadow, Georgia and 48.7 km northeast of Pleasant Hill, Georgia.

The assessment included a literature/records search and a field survey of the project area. A review of pertinent NRHP files, historic structures files and archeological site files revealed that no NRHP resources or known archeological sites are located within the project area. One previously recorded structure complex, State Structure No. 112, is located within the project boundary. Other archival materials (20th century maps; 1960s and 1970s aerial photographs) showed several recent structures within the study tract.

During the field survey a total of 22 structures and one archeological site (9GW396) were recorded. Three of the 22 structures comprise State Historic Structure Complex 112, previously recorded by Ted Bessette in 1978. Recently, State Historic Structure Complex 112 was evaluated by Brockington and Associates (Wright 1998). The archeological site recorded by RSW A, is an early to middle 20th century artifact scatter. This site is considered ineligible for the NRHP and no additional work is recommended. The remaining 19 structures have been constucted in the last 50 years. These structures are, therefore, not eligible for the NRHP.