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Archaeological Research Design and Data Recovery Plan for Site 9ME216, Muscogee County, Georgia

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The National Infantry Foundation (NIF) plans to construct a new National Infantry Museum on lands within the boundary of the Fort Benning Military Reservation in Columbus, Georgia. Construction of the proposed museum and its grounds could adversely effect an archaeological site, 9Me216, which is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHP A) of 1966, as amended through 1992, requires federal agencies to review the effect their actions may have on archaeological sites and other historic properties that are listed in or eligible for the NRHP. Review procedures are set forth in the recent regulations issued by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (36 CFR 800), as amended August 5, 2004.

Site 9Me216 is situated on a terrace above the Upatoi Creek drainage. Lumpkin Road lies west and the City of Columbus' Riverwalk lies east of the site. The site was first recorded by Southeastern Archeological Services in 1985 and was recommended potentially eligible for listing in the NRHP; additional site testing was recommended. In 2001 Southern Research conducted test excavations at both 9Me63 and 9Me216 (Keith 2001 ). As a result, both sites were recommended as eligible for listing in the NRHP.

Portions of Site 9Me216 could be damaged by land-altering activity in the vicinity of the site. Specifically, relocation of the transmission line will require harvesting of large trees within the proposed right-of-way and subsequent clearing and grubbing for transmission structures. Such land-altering activity is not expected to disturb any cultural remains.