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Assessment of Cultural Resources and Archeological Reconnaissance, Jones Bridge Park, Gwinnett County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The history of archeological reconnaissance and excavation in this section of Gwinnett County is associated with three surveys: that of the University of Georgia-Works Progress Administration of        1938-1940; the Smithsonian Institution River Basin Survey of 1951 - 53; and the Chattahoochee Recreational Area Study of 1970 - 71. Only the 1970-71 survey actually investigated the area of Jones Bridge and surrounding terrain. The 1938-40 WPA survey (5) listed two sites as being reported, but not researched, on the Chattahoochee. The River Basin Survey (6) did not enter the county below the site of Buford Dam. The Recreational Area Study (?) visited the Jones Bridge site and made surface collections on both sides of the river for a distance of 0.5 miles from each bank. Jones Bridge yielded a few minor artifacts in the form of pottery, chert and quartz lithic materials, and a few bits of historic china and glass. No subsurface tests were carried out at the time. Because of the spars e nature of the artifact collection, no permanent site number was assigned. At the request of the County government, a new survey of the property was instituted and a more thorough reconnaissance undertaken in the autumn of 1975. At that time a number of small, subsurface tests were ·made using shovel and trowel. Dr. Donald Crusoe, formerly Regional Archeologist with the National Park Service's Region IV, supervised the work. A small historic cemetery and another minor collection of prehistoric materials were recorded. A report on these finds, accompanied by maps and photographs, is appended to this Assessment. Included is a set of recommendations for further work.