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Archaeological, Historical, and Biological Assessment of the Plant McIntosh Railroad Corridor, Effingham County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Archaeological, historical, and biological assessment of the 1.6 mile long (100 feet wide) proposed Plant Mcintosh railroad corridor, in Effingham County, Georgia, was conducted for Savannah Electric and Power Company. Archaeological and historical research consisted of examination of relevant archival resources and field survey. Survey methods consisted of pedestrian walkover and screened shovel testing on a thirty meter interval along the entire corridor. Due to the location of the corridor in a creek flood plain, large portions of the study area retained varying levels of standing water during the survey. The eastern half of the corridor passes through a pine plantation, where narrow, regularly spaced ditches and ridges have been constructed for drainage. No evidence of cultural resources were encountered within the proposed corridor. Based on the results of cultural resource assessment, the corridor is cleared for proposed development.

Biological assessment of the project corridor consisted of background research and on-site reconnaissance. Data related to vegetation, soils and hydrology were gathered, lists of fauna and flora observed within the corridor (with particular emphasis on endangered species) were compiled, and jurisdictional wetlands were mapped. [these studies are currently underway; results will be included as Appendix A in a later draft of this report]