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Cultural Resource Survey Proposed Abba 115kv Transmission Line & Substation Site

Report Number
Year of Publication

On June 26, 1989, Robert S. Webb conducted an intensive coverage cultural resources survey of approximately 1.6 kilometers (1.0 miles) of a proposed transmission line corridor (Abbe 115 kV line) in Ben Hill and Irwin Counties, Georgia. The survey was conducted for Oglethorpe Power Corporation (OPC) under NEPA, in compliance with Section 106 of the Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665; 80 STAT.915; 16 U.S.C. 470) as amended. A review of the state site files and the National Register of Historic Places revealed no previously recorded sites within the survey area. A review of historic maps and aerial photographs revealed no pre-1941 house site within the proposed corridor, although 2 are located near it. With the exception of the substation site and about 200 meters of corridor, the line is immediately adjacent to a road right of way. Surface survey and shovel testing resulted in the discovery of 2 prehistoric scatters and 1 (redeposited ?) historic scatter. Since all of these resources have been heavily disturbed by agriculture/ silviculture and road construction, cultural clearance is recommended.