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Riverfront Augusta Archaeological Data Recovery - Excavations at 9Ri165: Management Summary Report

Report Number
Year of Publication

This Management Summary Report is presented as an interim document of the Augusta Riverfront Archeological Data Recovery project, and is intended to address the preliminary findings of the field investigation. A detailed technical report, presenting the final findings and interpretations of the archeological field and laboratory investigations and archival research, is scheduled for preparation and presentation to the City of Augusta by late June, 1990, and will contain and discuss all data and materials required for this project, as specified by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and the project Scope of Work and contract. This Management Summary report is intended to document the successful completion of the project's field investigations, as outlined within the project contract and reviewed and agreed upon by the City of Augusta and the Georgia State Historic Preservation Office/Department of Natural Resources (SHPO/DNR). This report is meant to provide evidence of the fulfillment of the field investigation obligations of the City of Augusta as per the Memorandum of Agreement executed between the City and the Georgia SHPO/DNR. Acceptance of this Management Summary Report by the Georgia SHPO/DNR thus confers acceptance of the adequacy of the field studies, and provides authorization to the City of Augusta to proceed with site construction in advance of the presentation of the project final report. It should be noted that the interpretations and observations presented herein are preliminary assessments based on field research, and are subject to modification within the project's final report. However, the field research, as reported herein, represents an absolute level of effort and investigation, and should be the primary object of review. In order to facilitate the review process, this Management Summary report is divided into four sections. Section II presents the project methodologies; Section III presents the preliminary project field findings; and Section IV presents the project conclusions. The remainder of this section presents the project background information.