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Effects Assessment; The Scott Property and the Couey-Owings-Knowles House Project EDS-27(94) Floyd and Chattooga Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Office of Historic Preservation has reviewed the Effects Assessment for the Scott Property and the Couey-Owings-Knowles House and the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the Couey-Owings-Knowles House, Floyd and Chattooga Counties, Georgia. We previously concurred that these two properties should be considered eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. We concur with the determination by the Georgia Department of Transportation that the proposed project as is will have no adverse effect on the Scott Property and will have an adverse effect on the Couey-Owings-Knowles House. We agree that the stipulations proposed in the MOA are appropriate to mitigate the adverse effect on the Couey-Owings-Knowles House. I have signed this agreement and am forwarding it to your office for review and further processing.