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Kudzu Site Madison County, GA Verizon EnSite No. 25098 TCNS No. 127296 DEA Project No. 21505011

Report Number
Year of Publication

Dynamic Environmental Associates, Inc. (DEA) performed an investigation of a proposed telecommunication tower facility in Madison County, Georgia. This investigation, sponsored by Verizon Wireless, was intended to identify and evaluate cultural resources in terms of eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Archaeological investigations were confined to areas proposed for development of the tower facility, specifically the 100’ x 100' (30.5 m x 30.5 m) lease area, a proposed 52’ x 20’ (15.8 x 6.1 m) ingress/egress easement abutting the south side of the proposed lease area, and a proposed 30’ (9.1 m) wide by 514’ (156.7 m) access/utility easement. No archaeological materials or archaeological features were identified in the excavated shovel tests. A extant historic shed was identified within the proposed access/utility easement, but due to considerable alterations and a lack of integrity of setting this historic shed is not considered eligible for listing on the NTHP. It is recommended that no historic properties are located within the APE for direct effects and therefore there will be no effect on cultural resources by the proposed undertaking.