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SR 85 from Fayette County Line to SR 331

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project begins at the bridge joint on the bridge over Camp Creek at Fayette County line (MP 0.00). The project ends north side of SR 331/Forest Parkway. The project length is approximately 12.8 miles. Note project log details northbound and southbound separately. Project activities include:

  • Preparation of roadway prior to resurfacing: blade the existing shoulders no lower in elevation than the existing pavement or shoulder; shoulder material displaced by the cleaning operation prior to resurfacing to be disposed of at an approved site off GDOT right-of-way.
  • Perform all patching as directed by engineer, prior to leveling and resurfacing
  • Place leveling course as either spot leveling or full width leveling or both at the direction of engineer
  • Paving operation to include turnouts and flares with intersecting roads and driveways
    • On asphault and concrete paved drives, 15 ft. or 1 ft. inside of right-of-way, whichever is lesser, will be paved unless drive grades make changes necessary
    • On paved public roads and streets, resurface of 20ft. or to radius, whichever is more
  • All drainage structures within limits of project will be maintained. All debris that goes into a drainage structure will be cleaned out.
  • Construct 21 type A, 3 type B, 6 type B-modified, 4 type D, and 4 type D-modified curb cut (wheelchair) ramps. Locations to be noted in the logs or determined in the field.
  • Construct 17 bi-pole and 20 quadrupole loops (in pavement light signaling sensor)
  • Restriping and Temporary striping
  • Raised pavement markers
  • GDOT to retain 2365 tons of the millings, delivered to Clayton County Routine Maintenance Headquarters
  • Ensure all construction related activities (easements, staging, vehicular use, borrow or waste activities, construction trailer placement and staging) in places adjacent to ESA’s be restricted to the existing right-of-way.