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Archaeological Assessment TCNS ID 21408 Proposed 420-Foot Guyed-type Telecommunications Structure Within A 100-Foot by 100-Foot Compound

Report Number
Year of Publication

Environmental Corporation of America (ECA) has completed an Archaeological Assessment for the federal undertaking at the subject site. The subject site includes a proposed 100-foot by 100-foot telecommunications facility. The telecommunications compound would be located in a grassy field. The proposed 275-foot by 40-foot access route traverses in a northwesterly direction from Dyson Court to the proposed telecommunications compound. Grading would be necessary for construction of the proposed compound and access. The facility would include a 400-foot guyed-type telecommunications structure (420-foot structure with appurtenances) and associated ground level support equipment. The facility would be located at the western end of Dyson Court, near Albany in Dougherty County, Georgia.

This archaeological assessment was conducted in order to ascertain whether the proposed undertaking, on the project site, might directly or indirectly affect cultural resources, if any such resources exist. Through our review of available cultural records and databases, no previously recorded archaeological sites were identified within the APE for direct effects. During fieldwork one brick fragment was discovered in shovel test pit two (ST2). We consider this single non-diagnostic brick fragment to be an isolated find lacking scientific significance. No other archaeological cultural artifacts were discovered within the APE for direct effects, which leads us to believe that no further testing of the proposed site is warranted.

ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no affect on any historic or prehistoric archaeological resources that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Therefore, for archaeological cultural resources, we recommend a finding of No Effect for the proposed undertaking at the project site.