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Final Archaeological Assessment HP-060925-004 TCNS ID 20225 Proposed 250-Foot Lattice-Type Telecommunications Structure (255-Feet overall with Appurtenances) Within An 80-Foot By 80-Foot Compound

Report Number
Year of Publication

Environmental Corporation of America (ECA) has completed an Archaeological Assessment for the federal undertaking at the subject site. The subject site includes a proposed 80-foot by 80-foot compound and an approximately 30-foot by 75-foot access as shown on Attachment 12b. Clearing and grading would be necessary for construction of the proposed telecommunications compound and access. The facility would include a 250-foot lattice-type telecommunications structure (255-feet with appurtenances) and associated ground level support equipment. The facility is located at 305 Barnard Lane, in Dillard, Rabun County, Georgia.

This archaeological assessment was conducted in order to ascertain whether the proposed undertaking, on the project site, might directly or indirectly affect cultural resources, if any such resources exist. Through our review of available cultural records and databases one previously recorded archaeological site, 9RA3, was identified within our ¾ -mile APE background research radius. Archaeological Site 9RA3 (believed to be Resource RA-172 from the 1996 Rabun County Survey) has been surveyed in 1979 and 1989 as recorded on Georgia Archaeological Site Form 9RA3. During these two site visits a large collection of pottery and lithics was made with the Catalog #'s 22602 and 31445. On this site form and again in 1996 on GASF RA-172, during a Rabun County Survey, the site was evaluated as "recommend eligible" and "may meet National Register criteria", respectfully. During the period of discovery, testing and excavation, according to the 9RA3 GASF the lithics and ceramics, along with known Georgia archaeology, has the earthen feature at the site dated as a Mississippian Period mound and village.

Site 9RA3 (RA-172) is located approximately 1,850 feet east of this proposed project site. Due to the intervening distance and according to site file comments, this archaeological site "has suffered damage from agricultural practices", the proposed telecommunications facility would have no direct effect on archaeological site 9RA3.

No other archaeological site reports were identified within a ¾ -mile search radius of the proposed project site. Additionally, during the course of the Phase I intensive field survey portion of this archaeological assessment, no archaeological sites were discovered and no archaeological cultural resources were encountered by ECA.

ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no effect on any historic or prehistoric archaeological resources that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Therefore, for archaeological cultural resources, we recommend a finding of No Effect for the proposed undertaking.