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Archeological Survey for the Proposed Westmoreland 115/12 kV Substation, White County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On October 8 and 9, 2015 Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc., conducted a Phase I archeological survey of a 7.3 ha (18.1 ac) tract of mostly wooded land on which the Westmoreland 115/12 kV substation is proposed to be built. The survey also included a 100m (330ft) length of proposed tap transmission line that will connect the substation to the existing Clermont Junction South Cleveland 115 kV transmission line. The project is located in southern White County. The goal of the survey was to locate and evaluate archeological sites within the area of potential effect for the proposed project, so that potential effects to those resources could be evaluated in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Archival research showed that no previously recorded archeological sites occur within or within one mile of the project area, and that no houses older than 50 years existed within the tract. Systematic shovel testing within the tract and along the proposed tap line resulted in the discovery and investigation of one small, prehistoric lithic scatter site, 9WH163, and one isolated artifact find, a prehistoric chert flake. We recommend that neither site 9WH163 nor the isolated find are eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Because no significant cultural resources are present, we recommend that the project be allowed to proceed.