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Appendix 8 Treatment Plan and Research Design for Data Recovery Excavations at Site 9GW393 (Cumberland Rockshelter), Gwinnett County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This document presents a treatment strategy and data recovery plan for addressing the adverse effects that the South Coast pipeline will have on an archaeological site determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). This site, 9GW393 (Cumberland Rockshelter) is located in Gwinnett County, Georgia (Figure 1). TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. (TRC Garrow) recommended 9GW393 eligible for the NRHP under Criterion D (Wilson et al. 1998), and the Georgia State Historic Preservation Officer (GASHPO) subsequently agreed with that recommendation (December 10, 1998, Review Letter).

Site 9GW393 lies within the proposed pipeline right-of-way, and is scheduled to be removed by blasting in order for construction equipment to access to the corridor and construct the pipeline. The site will be completely destroyed if construction takes place as proposed. Therefore, a data recovery plan has been devised to mitigate the adverse effects that construction will have on this important cultural resource. That plan is provided in Chapter III.

This document is organized by chapters for ease of reference. Chapter II provides a detailed culture history of the region that underpins specific questions to be addressed during this study. Chapter Ill presents the project research questions, and the general methods we will use to ensure that the issues raised in those questions are adequately addressed. Chapter IV presents an overview of previous investigations as well as details on methods that are site-specific. Chapter V provides information concerning the staff and subconsultants assigned to this project; TRC Garrow's corporate qualifications for undertaking these investigations is also included. Project management, the project schedule and deliverables are discussed in Chapter VI. A list of the references cited in the text completes the body of this document. Appendix I contains resumes of key project personnel.