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Cultural Resource Survey Proposed Cherokee County Raw Water Reservoir and Dam Site

Report Number
Year of Publication

In June 1988, Robert S. Webb conducted an intensive coverage cultural resource survey of approximately 121 hectares (300 acres) in Dawson and Cherokee Counties, Georgia. The project area is destined to become a raw drinking water reservoir for Cherokee County and therefore requires a Corps of Engineers 404 permit. The permit dictates compliance with Section 106 of the Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-655; 80 STAT.915; 16 U.S.C. 470) as amended. A review of the state site files and the National Register of Historic Places revealed no previously recorded sites within the survey area. A review of historic maps and aerial photographs revealed 4 historic sites within the project area -2 house sites and 2 19th century mill sites. The house sites and 1 of the mill sites were relocated and are discussed in this report. The other mill (Blackburn's Mill) could not be relocated. Surface survey and shovel testing revealed 26 sites and 7 isolated finds ranging from prehistoric lithic scatters to early 20th century house and still sites. It is recommended that 7 sites be investigated in more detail. Cultural clearance is recommended for the remaining sites.