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An Archaeological and Historical Survey of Eulalia Road Sewer Relief Project

Report Number
Year of Publication

On Friday, April 4, 1975, an archaeological survey was conducted on the proposed route of the Eulalia Road sewer line. This route begins at Eulalia Road and follows a small creek southward to a point approximately 1200 feet south of Crane Road and 500 feet east of Lenox Road.

The proposed route is through a residential area, and thus, most of the area along the creek has been altered by landscaping activities. Four quartz chips of aboriginal origin were surface collected from the west bank of the creek about midway between Eulalia and Kingsboro roads. The site of these finds is eroding in places from gardening by the residents. The Laboratory of Archaeology has given this location the site number 9Fu50 (see attached map). Surface evidence of this kind may be indicative of more extensive, buried remains, and, therefore, it is recommended that a qualified archaeologist be present to monitor any excavating or other ground alterations in the site area.

No other sites of suspected aboriginal or historical habitation were encountered along the route of the proposed sewer line.