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Archaeological Investigation - Southside Park BOR Application

Report Number
Year of Publication

Upon receipt of confirmation of work order, dated 11th December, 1975, the staff of the Archeological Survey proceeded to the park site in Land Lots 31 and 34, District 14th, Fulton County, Georgia. Using standard archeological site survey methods {as described by Fenenga*) a trained field crew, composed of a MA-level archeologist - a BS-level geologist - and three BA-level field assistants, performed the required preliminary reconnaissance.

The actual ground covered is reported by Smith and Dittmar in the attached field log. In addition to investigations of areas which might contain prehistoric cultural materials, the crew also employed a model H-13 metal detector in an effort to recover any cultural features dating from recent historical periods.

No prehistoric or historic period aboriginal features were identified during the investigation. Neither surface material nor frequent shovel tests revealed any artefactual evidence of aboriginal use. In three areas, ground cover or modern land-use practices prevented thorough examination at this time. The limited nature of the preliminary reconnaissance was such that resources of time, labor and funds were adequate to assess the proposed park site for probable cultural and natural resources without total examination of these areas. It is recommended that these areas be researched in the future and this recommendation will be amplified later on in this report.