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Additional Phase I Cultural Resource Investigations of Variances Associated with the Elba Express Pipeline Project (HP-060217-004), Effingham and Screven Counties, Georiga

Report Number
Year of Publication

This letter presents the results of additional Phase I cultural resources investigations completed as part of the proposed Elba Express Pipeline Project; this undertaking currently is under review by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This document expands upon the results of archaeological investigations performed in 2006 (Elberwine et al. 2006). The additional project items reported herein included a single access road and two ancillary facility expansions (i.e., a single meter station and a single contractor yard) located in Screven and Effingham Counties, Georgia (Figure 1, Figure 2, Sheets 1 through 3, and Tables 1 and 2). These investigations were performed on May 18, 2009, by R. Christopher Goodwin & and Associates, Inc., on behalf of Elba Express Company, LLC.

No cultural resources were identified as a result of these Phase I cultural resource investigations. A summary of the field methods utilized to complete this investigation, as well as a description of each survey item, is presented below.

In depth information pertaining to the natural, prehistoric, and historic settings of the region, as well as a review of the prehistoric investigations completed in the vicinity of the additional project items, are contained in the previously submitted and reviewed the cultural resources survey reported entitled Results of the 2006 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey and Archaeological Inventory of the Proposed Elba Express Pipeline Project in Effingham, Screven, Jenkins, Emanuel, Burke, Jefferson, Glascock, Warren, McDuffie, Wilkes, Elbert and Hart Counties, Georgia. (Eberwine et al. 2006).