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Ethnobotanical Report No. One Survey of the Existing Flora of the Morgan Fall Area, Cobb and Fulton Counties, Georgia and A Report of Endangered and Threatened Plant Species which occur in Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The following papers are the first in a series of studies dealing with the botany, especially the ethnobotany, of the Georgia Piedmont.

As a prelude to the analysis of ethnobotanical remains of the various archeological sites, both prehistoric and historic, a survey of the complete flora of the Morgan Falls area was undertaken by Lee and Ettman, under the direction of Dr. William H. Murdy, Professor of Botany, Emory University. The survey of the complete existing flora will be followed by reports on the extraction and identification of ethnobotanical remains from six archeological sites in the immediate area.

It can be seen, however, that as valuable information on existing ecological conditions in portions of the Chattahoochee River Corridor, the botanical studies need not be specifically related to ethnobotanical or archeological research.

The studies by Lee and Ettman are presented here for use by botanists and others environmental researchers and are accompanied by "A REPORT ON ENDANGERED AND THREATENED PLANT SPECIES WHICH OCCUR IN GEORGIA", also by Ettman.

The Archeological Survey of Cobb-Fulton Counties would appreciate hearing from other botanists, environmentalists, or ecologists with comparative information in the Southeastern

United States.