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Environmental Information Document: North Oconee Water Reclamation Facility Upgrade and Expansion to 14 MGD

Report Number
Year of Publication

In accordance with Georgia Rules and Regulations for Water Quality Control, this Environmental Information Document (EID) examines possible environmental impacts associated with the proposed upgrade of the existing North Oconee Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) for Athens-Clarke County (ACC). The purpose of this EID is to document for the awareness of the owner, designer, and public all potential environmental impacts that might result from the proposed project.

New treatment facilities proposed for the North Oconee WRF include influent pumping, headworks (including screening and grit removal), equalization, the activated sludge process, secondary clarification, ultraviolet (UV) disinfection, and re-aeration. New sludge thickening, digestion, and dewatering facilities will also be provided. In addition, odor control facilities will be provided. A new operations building and a new maintenance building will be constructed. A new electrical feed system, a computerized control system, and site improvements, such as plant roads and stormwater features, are needed to support the treatment facilities. An overview of these improvements is contained in this report.

This report includes a description of existing conditions, need and purpose for the project, and a description of the proposed project, followed by an environmental checklist that comprises an examination of twenty-eight potential environmental impact categories. Published data, field surveys, and design reports were used to gather the information needed to complete the EID.