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Evaluative Testing at Two Archaeological Sites Proposed I-20 Mall Complex Site

Report Number
Year of Publication

During January and February of 1990, Webb Diversified Consulting conducted evaluative testing at a prehistoric quarry/outcrop scatter site and a historic house site (provisional site numbers LE-3-26 and 42, respectively) in DeKalb and Rockdale Counties, Georgia. These resources were discovered during a survey (Webb 1988) of a proposed 505 hectare mall complex, south of the 1-20/ Turner Hill Road interchange (Interchange 39) (see Figure 1.1). That survey was conducted as part of the Corps of Engineers 404 permitting process, which mandates compliance with Section 106 of the Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. During the discovery-phase survey, 55 sites were recorded and all but 4 (including the 2 above) were found to be "clearly ineligible" for the National Register of Historic Places under 36 CFR 60.4, (d). For the 51 sites found to be "clearly ineligible" the proposed development project will have no effect under criteria set forth in 36 CFR 800. Three of the 4 remaining sites were considered "potentially significant" under 36 CFR 60.4, (d), as possible sources of local, significant archeological information. Testing was necessary at LE-3-26 and 42 to determine each site's National Register of Historic Places eligibility status and to provide the information needed to determine project effects. A review of close-scale project area topographic maps (unavailable until after the survey) revealed that the third potentially eligible site (LE-3-29) is not within the project area. Though potentially significant, LE-3-29 will not be affected by mall development activities and no further mention of this site will be made. LE-3-44, a well marked historic cemetery, is within the project area, but in an area not scheduled for mall development. The cemetery will be protected, avoided and monitored. This report focuses on evaluative testing efforts at LE-3-26 and 42. There is also a brief discussion of recommended protective measures for LE-344 in Chapter 5. Excerpts from Webb (1988) on local culture history and environment are presented in Appendix A to orient the reader.