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Intergrated Cultural Resources Management Plan: Naval Support Activity, Navy Supply Corps School, Athens, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This document is an updated Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) for the Naval Supply Corps School (NSCS) in Athens, Georgia. The original ICRMP was prepared in 1999; this update is mandated by federal standards that call for an updated plan every five years.

The ICRMP fulfills the legal requirement of the Navy incurred under various public laws. It is a broad-based plan of action that identifies the base's significant historic resources and provides specific guidance for managing them and for ensuring their consideration during the development and execution of projects at the school. The ICRMP is intended to provide NSCS with a programmatic basis for compliance with Federal historic preservation law and Navy historic preservation directives and instructions. The plan provides a database of historic resources on the school and establishes procedures for impact assessment, management, and preservation of significant historic resources within the school's boundaries. The plan also sets forth specific goals and objectives for the school's historic preservation program and presents program milestones for achieving them.

As part of this updated ICRMP, HOC also undertook a historic building survey of NSCS facilities that were constructed between 1950-1955. These facilities include the Flagpole, the Swimming Pool, the Central Heating Plant, the Maintenance Shops, and Brown Hall. Construction of these facilities was part of the initial phase of development of the property after the United States Navy purchased it in June 1953. HDC also incorporated notes on the physical condition of the facilities, as made by Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southern Division architects in late 2002. These notes were then cross-referenced with the updated repair-work information supplied by NSCS facilities personnel.

NSCS has a number of significant historic resources, including seven buildings that have been listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) as structures contributing to the Oglethorpe Avenue Historic District. The seven buildings, constructed between 1897 and 1917, include one, the Carnegie Library (Building 3, NSCS Museum), that is individually listed in the NRHP. The seven facilities were also re-evaluated to determine if they retained their integrity for listing in the NRHP. It was determined that the facilities retain integrity and should continue to be listed.

The landscape character within NSCS and the parade ground in front of Miller Hall are also contributing elements of the Oglethorpe Avenue Historic District. These features have not been significantly altered over the past five years and still maintain their integrity.

The Kissing Rocks (9CA19) is the lone archaeological site identified on the grounds. The site is recommended as potentially eligible for the NRHP and the area in and around the rocks should be protected from future construction.

Future directions for the NSCS cultural resources program include:

• Continue to monitor the Kissing Rocks archaeological site.

• Continue to review renovation and rehabilitation plans for the seven historic buildings.

• Maintain the landscape character within the historic district.

• Conduct a building survey in 2009 of buildings that are coming of age.

• Conduct a periodic review of buildings previously listed on the NRHP to ensure that the buildings are still eligible for listing.