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Historical Investigations of the Richard D. Russell Multiple Resource Area

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Secretary of the Army, under authority of Section 4 of the Act of Congress approved 22 December 1944, as amended (16 U.S .C. 460d), and the Federal Water Project Recreation Act, 79 Stat. 214 (16 U. S.C. 460L- 12), and pursuant to a contract entered into on 2 October 1972 , by and between the United States of America and The State of Georgia (hereinafter referred to as the Contract), hereby grants to the State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources, a lease for a period of fifty (50) years commencing on 1 August 1982, and ending on 31 July 2032 , to use and occupy for recreation purposes approximately 5 , 196 acres of land and water areas under the primary jurisdiction of the Department of the Army in the Richard B. Russel l Project Area, hereinafter referred to as the premises, as shown on attached Exhibit "A."