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Cultural Resource Management Report: Hitchcock Branch Stewardship: First Thinning Oconee Ranger District, Chatahoochee-Oconee National Forests

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests are preparing a first-time thinning stewardship project in five compartments on the Oconee Ranger District in Putnam County, mostly south of Murder Creek. Three previously-recorded, 'potentially eligible' sites-two historic cemeteries and one light-density Mississippian/Lamar sherd scatter-located in the vicinity of proposed landings were revisited. Eleven additional previously recorded, but not eligible sites are also located near proposed landing locations; those sites were not revisited. Please see Table 1 below. In the case of the two cemeteries, site visits provided an opportunity for additional documentation and condition assessments. Each cemetery was then flagged for avoidance. No adverse effects appear to have occurred in the 15 years since the two cemetery sites were originally recorded; protective measures seem to have been adequate. As for the light-density (three sherd) scatter, two more shovel tests, in addition to the original seven, produced no more artifacts. With such a paucity of cultural material, that site has been determined not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Fieldwork was conducted in April and May 2011 by the District Archaeologist. The project has been determined no effect for historic properties according to implementing regulation 36 CFR 800.4(d)(1).