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CDBG: Street and Drainage Improvements, Phase II, City of Baxley, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Consulting Engineer Hofstadter and Associates, Inc., city public works staff, and ALGA studied existing public facilities and housing conditions in the Phase 2 Project Activity Location. These studies document the following conditions.

• All residences are connected to the City's sewer system and are not experiencing problems such as backups in household plumbing or sluggish/slow draining of wastewater from their houses.

• All residents are connected to the City's water system, and have adequate pressure and supply for household use. Water distribution lines are 2 inch water mains. Fire protection is provided by water hydrants located on the periphery of the project area. Please refer to the preliminary engineering report for location of these hydrants.

• All streets in the area are paved, but are in poor condition because of damages caused by uncontrolled storm water.

• Storm water drainage and unsafe streets are the most severe problems that adversely affect residents. Their health and well-being are constantly endangered. Their properties --land and houses-- are experiencing severe damages and rapidly depreciates in value.

• Fourteen percent (14%) of the housing units in the area are substandard. Most of the substandard conditions can be attributed to the lack of adequate storm water drainage. Unless the city takes immediate action to correct the drainage problems in the area, the standard housing units will quickly deteriorate and be added to the number of substandard units in the area. This southwestern quadrant of Baxley contains the greatest number of affordable housing units in the city for low income persons. This housing stock must be preserved. Nineteen (68%) of the housing units in the project activity location are owner-occupied.

The city is ready to proceed with Phase 2 of the southwestern Baxley public infrastructure improvements. Phase 2 will include residents who live on Moody Street, from Bay Street to Simmons Street, and Edgerton Street, from Bay Street to Spruce Street. Phase 2 project area adjoins the Phase 1 area.

Residents in the project activity location are indeed impoverished! The residents in this area live in a US. Census Block where forty percent (40%) of the population has incomes in the poverty level.