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Archeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Water Line Improvements for the Town of Bostwick, Madison County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The survey described here was designed to reconnoiter for any evidence of archeological sites in the area of a water line project proposed by the Town of Bostwick. The project would connect the Town of Bostwick water system with the city of Madison water system along the existing right-of-way east of State Route (SR) 83. New water lines would cross well drained, level ground near two streams, landforms where the likelihood of archeological sites is generally high. New water lines would also pass close to a cemetery in Bostwick.

Reconnaissance revealed that the existing right-of-way is fully graded in areas with moderate or high probability of archeological sites. Four shovel tests placed a meter or two outside the existing right-of-way at the stream crossings, in relatively undisturbed soils, were all negative for cultural material. These observations support our recommendation that the proposed project as currently planned will have no affect upon archeological sites and that no additional work is needed.

Reconnaissance also revealed that Bostwick’s cemetery lies very near the SR 83 right-of-way. Since the existing right-of-way was not clearly marked, the cemetery actually may lie partly within the right-of-way. The narrow, existing ditch alongside the road is the only feature separating the cemetery from SR 83. Therefore, special care should be taken to lay new pipe only within the existing ditch cut. If this care is taken during installation of the proposed water line, we recommend the project would have no effect upon the cemetery.