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Site 9Ls337 Phase II Investigation PCT SE Paper GA Tower Site Laurens County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. (TEP) was contracted by American Tower Corporation (ATC) to complete a Phase II archaeological investigation at site 9Ls337 for the proposed PCT SE Paper GA Tower (ATC #201440) project located southeast of the City of Dublin, Laurens County, Georgia. This work is being completed as part of the Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) consultation with the Georgia State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and applicable Native American Tribes regarding the proposed undertaking’s potential effects on historic properties as defined in Section VI.D.1.a of the FCC’s Nationwide Programmatic Agreement (NPA).

On December 15-17, 2015, TEP conducted the Phase II fieldwork under the supervision of Sarah Stephens of TEP, a Secretary of Interior qualified archaeologist. Thirteen 50x50 cm shovel tests and two 1x1 m units were excavated in order to understand site 9Ls337’s National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility. No cultural features were identified although a large amount of lithic material was recovered. This report summarizes TEP’s findings.