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A Phase 1 Archaeological Survey for the Proposed SR 141 (Peachetree Road) Pedestrian Streetscape Improvements Project, PI 0010326, Dekalb County, Georgia.

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project consists of approximately 2.2 km (1.4 mi) of concrete sidewalk installation including curb cut

ramps, ADA compliant driveways, and crosswalks along the Peachtree Road corridor from North Druid Hills Road to

Ashford Dunwoody Road (Figure 1 ). The existing sidewalk along the west side of the corridor is to be removed and

replaced. The proposed sidewalk has a nominal width of 2.4 m (8 ft) with a 1.8 m (6 ft) sidewalk width proposed in

areas with narrower existing right-of-way. Additional improvements along the project corridor include landscaping

strips, decorative brick paver strips, benches, trash receptacles, bus shelters, and pedestrian/street lighting. Minor

right-of-way acquisition and easements are anticipated.