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In Situ Archaeological Evaluation of the CSS Georgia, Savannah Harbor, Georgia

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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, operates and maintains the Savannah Harbor Navigation Project (existing navigation project) and, in partnership with the Georgia Ports Authority, is examining the feasibility of deepening the Savannah Harbor navigation channel (deepening project). To ensure that the existing navigation project and the potential deepening project comply with the National Historic Preservation Act (P.L. 89-665, as amended) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's regulations implementing this Act (36 CFR, Part 800), Savannah District is reinitiating studies of the CSS Georgia, to determine the effect of past, present, and future activities associated with the existing navigation project and the effects of the potential future deepening project. Although no dredging has been conducted close to the CSS Georgia wreck site since 1983, both the existing navigation project and the proposed deepening project may adversely affect this National Register of Historic Places listed site.