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A Phase I Cultural Resource Survey For The Proposed GADOT South Calhoun Bypass Pipeline Lowering Project (AFE 207775) Gordon County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

TerraXplorations, Inc. (TerraX) of Tuscaloosa, Alabama was contracted by Southern Natural Gas Company, LLC, of Birmingham, Alabama through Woodard & Curran of Duluth, Georgia to conduct a cultural resource survey for the proposed GADOT South Calhoun Bypass Pipeline Lowering Project (AFE 207775) in Gordon County, Georgia. The proposed project will involve the lowering, by replacement of, approximately 315 feet (ft.) of the 4" Rome-Calhoun Line, 335ft. of the 12" Chattanooga Branch Line, and 346ft. of the 12" Chattanooga Branch Loop Line to accommodate the construction of the South Calhoun bypass by GADOT. All pipe placement will be accomplished through an open cut. The Phase I survey was performed on September 27, 2016 by Kenny Pearce under the supervision of Paul D. Jackson, Principal Investigator. The purpose of this study was to determine if any prehistoric or historic properties exist within the limits ofthe project area, and if so, to document and assess each based on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) criteria. The lead federal agency for this project is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The project area encompasses an approximate 1.3-acre set of tracts and access road. The access road is I, 975ft. in length by 25ft. in width. The project is situated approximately 4 miles southwest of Calhoun and lies adjacent to Calhoun Highway, State Road 53. The subject property can be found on the 1972 Calhoun South, Georgia USGS 7.5' series topographic quadrangle (Figure 1). Photographs depicting the present state of the land within the project area are provided (Figures 2-5).