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Phase I Archaeological Survey for Bridge 273-5025-0, John Fox Road over Walk-ikey Creek, Terrell County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has developed a Low Impact Bridge Program (LIBP) to provide expedited project delivery for the least complicated type bridge replacement projects. Projects that have more time-consuming requirements such as right-of-way (ROW) acquisition or impacts to sensitive environmental resources are not selected for this program. Given that these projects are not intended to go beyond existing ROW (no ROW is to be acquired), the 100-foot expanded survey corridor (ESC) for archaeology will be waived in some instances. Generally, field survey limits will extend 300 feet from the existing structure approaches and remain within the existing ROW, which varies across projects. The current project involves the replacement of the bridge carrying John Fox Road over Walk-ikey Creek (Bridge 273-5025-0) under GDOT's LIBP in Terrell County. The existing bridge is structurally deficient and will be replaced. Design plans for the new project were not yet available at the time of the archaeological survey. Existing ROW measures 80 feet. No temporary roadways or bridges are proposed for the project.