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Phase I Archaeological Survey for SR 32 Over Bear Creek Bridge Replacement, Coffee County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project is located in Coffee County approximately 1.2 miles west of Nicholls, Georgia, and consists of replacing a structurally deficient bridge on SR 32 over Bear Creek (Structure ID #069- 00 17 -0). The project limits begin at approximately Mile Post (M.P.) 25.31 and end at approximately M.P. 25.38, for a total length of approximately .07 miles. The proposed bridge typical section would be two 12-foot travel lanes with 8-foot shoulders. The roadway approaches to the bridge will be two 12-foot lanes with 6.5-foot paved shoulders and 3-foot additional grass shoulders beyond the pavement. The bridge will be constructed on new alignment; therefore, no detours are required during construction. Additional right-of-way (ROW) and easements would be required, but limits have not been determined. Existing ROW is 100 feet through the project corridor. Since this project is in the early conceptual study phase, proposed ROW widths are not yet known. Because these parameters have not been determined a survey area was provided by designers that would represent the maximum extent of construction. This area was used as the APE for the current Phase I survey, and an additional100-foot ESC was also surveyed beyond these limits. One previously undocumented archaeological site, 9CF322, was identified during the Phase I survey. Site 9CF322 is an artifact scatter associated with a razed middle twentieth century structure. Based on a lack of intact deposits, the portion of 9CF322 in the survey area does not have the potential to yield information significant to the historic cultural history of the region.