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Third Addendum Phase I Survey for an Interchange Improvement at Interstate 75 and County Road 274/Bellville Road, Lowndes County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The 1-75 and CR 274/Bellville Road interchange would continue as a rural diamond interchange. The proposed bridge would be offset 24 feet to the south of the existing location to accommodate staging of construction. The proposed bridge would consist of one 12-foot through lane and one 12-foot left-turn lane in each direction with an 8-foot rural shoulder on both sides. The proposed bridge would be 270 feet long. Due to an increased span length, the height of the proposed bridge would be 2 to 3 feet higher than the existing bridge to compensate for the extra bridge deck depth and retain height requirements. The center of the bridge roughly divides the project limits in half, such that approximately .28 mile of the project is west of the bridge and .28 mile is east of the bridge. The project would extend these distances on both sides of the bridge along CR 274/Bellville Road due to the minimum spacing distance requirements for limited access roads and the required geometric tie-ins.

The proposed 1-75 northbound off-ramp at this interchange would extend an additional 950 feet south of its existing terminus. The proposed northbound 1-75 on-ramp would extend an additional l,850 feet north of the existing terminus. The northbound on- and off-ramps would tie into CR 274/Bellville Road approximately 140 feet east of the existing intersection. The proposed southbound 1-75 off-ramp would extend an additional 1,070 feet north of the existing terminus. The proposed southbound 1-75 on-ramp would extend an additional 2,000 feet south along I-75. The proposed 1-75 southbound on- and off-ramps would tie into CR 274/Bellville Road approximately 180 feet west of the current location. The proposed northbound off-ramp would measure .41 mile, the proposed northbound on-ramp would measure .75 mile, the proposed southbound off-ramp would measure .45 mile, and the proposed southbound on-ramp would measure .76 mile. The existing ROW for CR 274/Bellville Road varies between 78 to 110 fee t, and the ROW for the existing ramps varies between 50 to 64 feet to right of the edge of the EOP. The proposed ROW for CR 274/Bellville Road varies between 85 to 195 feet. The existing ROW for I-75 is a typical 300 foot corridor outside of ramps, which varies between 300 to 867 feet (ramps included within ROW calculations). The proposed ROW varies between 300 to 886 feet (ramps included within ROW calculations).This project is anticipated to take approximately 15.64 acres of additional ROW, 1.47 acres of utility easement, and 1.88 acres of permanent easement from total of 18 parcels within the project area.

Changes that have taken place since 2012 and affect the overall project footprint are:

The addition of MS4 BMP measures throughout the project;

The addition of Sediment Basins 1 and 2 to Ramps B and C, respectively;

The extension of MSE Wall No. 1 which now begins at Station 99 5 +50 instead of 996+ 00 and was shifted in toward Ramp A approximately 3.25 ';

The beginning ofCR 274 was changed from Station 104+00 to 102+59; and

Temporary traffic turnarounds were added at each end ofCR 274 for use during staging.

The Principal Investigator in charge of EPEI's Phase I investigations was Phillip Quirk, who authored the report. Jon Blackwelder served as Field Director, and was assisted in the field by Stormy Jeans, Obadiah Brooks, and Charlie Brummeler. Michael Hunt oversaw all laboratory work, including cataloging and report layout. Lynn Pietak reviewed the report and provided comments for quality assurance and quality control. Siska Williams is the GDOT archaeologist responsible for reviewing this report.