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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey for the Proposed Disposal of Excess Land United States Postal Service Parcel Adjacent to the Douglasville Main Office 6000 Stewart Parkway

Report Number
Year of Publication

AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (AECOM) of Atlanta, Georgia was contracted by the United States Postal Service (USPS) to complete a Phase I Cultural Resources Survey (Survey) to support a potential real estate transaction. The Survey is in support of previous USPS documentation regarding the proposed real estate transaction that was provided to the Georgia Historic Preservation Division (HPD) to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (NHPA). Based on the previous submittal and in a letter dated October 20, 2016, HPD requested an archaeology survey of the proposed project area by a Secretary of the Interior-qualified archaeologist. The HPD Project Number for the proposed project is HP-160825-002.

The Phase I survey was performed on November 15, 20 16 by Principal Investigator Daniel Lowrey of AECOM, a Secretary of the Interior-qualified archaeologist. The purpose of the study was to assess whether prehistoric or historic properties existed within the limits of the subject property (project area), and if so, to document and assess each based on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) criteria.

The project area consists of a single parcel totaling approximately 3.55 acres of undeveloped land. It is located adjacent to the Douglasville Main Office, at 6000 Stewart Parkway in the town of Douglasville in Douglas County, Georgia. The project area is situated on the 1973 (Photorevised 1982) Winston, GA 7.5' topographic quadrangle (Figure 1). According to the USPS site contact, the property has not been used or developed since USPS took possession of the land in 1992. The property is located in a mixed commercial and residential area (Figure 2). A residential neighborhood borders the property to the east. Commercial developments are located to the north and south. Undeveloped land borders the parcel to the west, and the USPS Douglasville Main Office and associated parking areas are located to the southwest. Photographs depicting the present state of the land within the project area are provided (Figures 3-6).