This report represents the findings of a cultural resources assessment for the construction of an
approximately 46-meter (190-foot) monopole to be placed in private lot in Atlanta, Georgia
(1221 Cross Creek Pkwy, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327). A pedestrian archaeological survey was
conducted on September 30, 2015. Survey methods included a pedestrian survey of the entire
survey area and a visual inspection of the 0.8-kilometer (0.5-mile) Area of Potential Effect
(APE). The survey area consists of a rectangular shaped cell and equipment lease area of
approximately 10 by 22-meters (33 by 73-feet) and an access and utility easement of 6 by 52-
meters (20 by 169-feet) that extends west and south from the cell tower to a paved parking lot.
The total area included in this project is 0.05-hectare (0.13-acre). The entire project area is
located within a private lot in a mostly residential neighborhood. No artifacts were recovered
during this survey and no historic properties are located within the Area of Potential Effects for
visual effects (APE-VE).
A review of the historic resources files at the Georgia Historic Preservation Division identified
two historic resources within the APE-VE, the Wildwood Neighborhood and the Atlanta
Memorial Park (which includes the Georgia Bicentennial Historic District). The Georgia State
Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) also asked us to assess a historic district outside of the
APE-VE, the West Paces Ferry Historic District. It is our assessment that the proposed tower
will have no adverse effect on these resources.
The survey included both an assessment of direct effect and visual effect. No historic properties
were present in the APE for direct effects. We therefore find that this project will not adversely
impact NRHP listed, eligible, or potentially eligible structures or sites. There are no historic
properties for direct effects and there will be no adverse effect on historic properties for visual