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Archaeological Survey in Support of Norfolk Southern Railway's Completion of Section 106 Requirements for the Waysidepole Upgrade Project Associated with Positive Train Control Site CP Circle S 293.80 in the City of Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In December 2015, HRA Gray & Pape, LLC., of Houston, Texas, at the request of Golder

Associates Inc. and Norfolk Southern Railway Company, conducted a field survey of the proposed location of Positive Train Control tower CP Circle S 293.80 in Atlanta, Fulton

County, Georgia. After completion and submission of initial research and 620 form, the

Georgia Division of Natural Resources Historic Preservation Division responded with comments and requested further exploration regarding the boundaries of archaeological site

9FU584. A shovel test and pedestrian survey was conducted to determine if the proposed wayside pole location falls within or outside of the boundaries previously documented for archaeological site 9FU584 and, if so, to evaluate whether further action would be needed.

The lead agency for this project is the Federal Communication Commission.

Archaeological investigations were conducted over the course of a single field mobilization in December 2015, which resulted in the excavation of one shovel test at the location of the proposed wayside pole. The subsurface test was negative for cultural material and no cultural remains or features were located within the project area. HRA Gray & Pape, LLC. recommends that no further archaeological work is required within the project area.