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Archaeological Reevaluation of GDOT Project EDS-0027-00(095), Chattooga County; PI 621082; HP-970103-001

Report Number
Year of Publication

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, GDOT Project EDS-0027-00(095), Chattooga County, has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those an or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The purpose of the survey was to locate, identify and evaluate the significance of any archaeological resources within the proposed project's area of potentla1 environmental effect. The proposed project would consist of the reconstruction and relocation of a segment of SR 1/US 27 by bypassing Summerville, Georgia to the east. The project would begin with the reconstruction of the existing roadway at approximately the intersection of SR I/US 27 and Gore Sublinga Road, following US 27lSR 1 through Mack White Gap. The typical section would parallel to the existing CR 324, but further up the slope of Taylor's Ridge. At approximately the intersection of CR 324 and north of CR 169, the proposed new location section would veer northwest, continuing and tying hack into US 27/SR 1 northwest of East Trion. This tie-in would transition down to two 12-ft lanes in each direction with a 204 concrete raised median. The approximate project length is 7.3 miles.