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Archeological Survey of the Proposed Thurmond Tanner Road Realignment, Hall County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the proposed realignment of a 3.3 km length of Thurmond Tanner Road in southern Hall County. Some portions of the realigned road will coincide with the existing road, but generally it will be offset from 5 to 50 m. The new alignment will arc to the west at the north end to avoid a church and cemetery. Two archeological sites, a late nineteenth or early twentieth century house site and a mid-nineteenth century abandoned cemetery, were identified within or very close to the area of potential effect for the project. Both sites are recommended ineligible to the National Register of Historic Places. The abandoned cemetery (archeological site 9HL442) was revisited and archeologically delineated with metal probes and careful measurement. The boundaries of the cemetery were staked in the field and then plotted onto project maps by county surveyors. The proposed new Thurmond Tanner Road right -of-way will completely avoid the cemetery. As a result of this avoidance, we conclude that the proposed undertaking will not adversely affect any significant archeological resources or cemeteries.