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An Intensive Archaeological and Historical Cultural Resource Assessment of Four Parcels within the Golden Isles Tract, Glynn County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During the fall of 2000, an intensive cultural resource survey was performed by Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) on four separate parcels comprising "549 acres in northern Glynn County, Georgia. These parcels, known as Golden Isles R7 South, CR8, CR9 and R6 North, were investigated for The Branigar Organization, Inc., in order to meet their obligations under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.

The following report was prepared to meet federal and state guidelines, and in accordance with the Georgia Preservation Plan (Crook 1986a; GDNR 1989; GSHPO 1992). The goals of the investigation were to locate all prehistoric and historic sites within the project area, and to assess their significance and potential eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NR) as mandated by federal laws and guidelines (Code of Federal Regulations [CFR], Title 36, Chapter VIII, Part 800 [36 CFR 800]).

Field survey methods included a pedestrian inspection and shovel test sampling at 30 and 15 meter intervals. Shovel testing was performed in areas of limited surface visibility within each parcel, excluding areas marked by extensive erosion, steep slopes and standing water. Particular attention was given to benches, terraces, high 1idges and other level, elevated landfom1s with proximity to water. All shovel tests measured > 30 centimeters in diameter and were dug to sterile soil. Reduced interval testing was used to bound and evaluate locations where artifacts were recovered.

One prehistoric site (9GN281) and one isolated find were identified via transect‑based shovel testing. The prehistoric site consisted of one potsherd and one chert flake. The isolated find consisted of two pottery sherds from the same shovel test. All the artifacts were retrieved fi×om the plowzone within fields used for silviculture. No historic sites were discovered within the study area.

Because of a lack of integrity, clarity, and research potential, no additional work at either location is recommended. Site 9GN281 is not considered eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places because it yielded a very low density of artifacts from a disturbed context. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the proposed development of Parcels R7 South, CR8, CR9, and R6 North be allowed to proceed without concern for impact to significant cultural resources.