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TCNS ID 126246 Proposed 310-Foot Overall Self-Supporting Lattice Telecommunications Structure

Report Number
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Environmental Corporation of America’s (ECA) client, Municipal Communications, LLC is proposing to construct a telecommunications facility as described in the following FCC Form 620, New Tower (NT) Submission Packet. The facility would consist of a 100-foot by 100-foot (30-meter by 30-meter) lease area that would include a 310-foot tall (overall height) self-supporting lattice telecommunications structure and associated ground-level support equipment.

The facility would be accessible by a proposed approximate 1,498-foot long by 30-foot wide (457-meter by 9-meter) access/utility easement. ECA has identified and evaluated Historic Properties, if any, within the Area of Potential Effect

(APE) for visual and direct effects as directed in Section VI.D.1 and 2 of the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement, effective on March 7, 2005. We have found no properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) within either APE. Based on our review of the files at the Georgia Historic Preservation Office (GA HPD), we identified five previously recorded historic resources (353, DP, 354, 331, and B,sg) within the APE for visual effects. The University of Georgia’s Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources Geographical Information System (GNAHRGIS) also identified three resources (36641, 36642, 36619) within the ¾-mile APE for visual effects. It appears that the three GNAHRGIS resources (33641, 36642, and 36619) correspond with three of the historic resources (353, 354, and 331) identified in the GA HPD survey files. In addition, it appears that resource 331 (GNAHRGIS 36619) is destroyed. Resource 353 (GNAHRGIS 36641) is located approximately 1,400 feet (427 meters) southwest

of the proposed undertaking. Based on our site visit, the structure appears potentially eligible for listing in the NRHP. However, due to existing vegetation, only the upper portion of the proposed tower would be visible. The minimal visibility of the tower would in no way compromise the historic setting and feeling of the resource. Therefore, ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no adverse effect on Resource 353 (GNAHRGIS 36641). Resource DP is located approximately 1,600 feet (488 meters) south of the proposed undertaking. Based on our site visit, the structure appears potentially eligible for listing in the NRHP. However, due to existing vegetation and power lines, only the upper portion of the proposed tower would be visible. The minimal visibility of the tower would in no way compromise the historic setting and feeling of the resource. Therefore, ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no adverse effect on Resource DP. Resource 354 (GNAHRGIS 36642) is located approximately 3,000 feet (914 meters) southeast of the proposed undertaking. Based on our site visit, it appears that the resource has been destroyed and replaced. Therefore, ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no effect on Resource 354 (GNAHRGIS 36642). Resource 331 (GNAHRGIS 36619) is located approximately 3,150 feet (960 meters) southeast

of the proposed undertaking. Based on our site visit, the structure does not appear eligible for listing in the NRHP due to modern replacement doors and overall lack of significance. In addition, due to intervening vegetation and power lines, the proposed tower would not be visible. Therefore, ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no effect on Resource 331 (GNAHRGIS 36619). Resource Bsg is located approximately 3,350 feet (1021 meters) east of the proposed undertaking. Based on our site visit, the structure appears potentially eligible for listing in the NRHP. However, due to existing vegetation, distance, and topography, the proposed tower would not be visible. Therefore, ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no effect on Resource Bsg. An Archaeological Assessment was conducted within the APE for direct effects. During our database research, we found no previously recorded archaeological sites and three archaeological survey reports (4653, 7326, and 7594) within our standard 1-mile background research radius, but outside our APE for direct effect. During our site visit, we discovered one surface scatter site (9G0396) during the pedestrian survey portion of the site visit. The identified site was located approximately 100 feet southwest from the southwestern corner of the lease area. Representative artifacts collected from the historic 20th century refuse pile (9G0396) consist of one colorless glass container, one colorless glass bottle (possible Heinz-Ketchup Bottle), one amber molded manufactured glass bottle, a tin can, one stoneware (white lead-glazed exterior and interior with blue horizontal bands), and one stoneware rim and handle fragement (albany glazed exterior and interior). ECA believes that the identified site would not be eligible for inclusion to the NRHP due to a lack of research potential and a lack of significance (see Attachment E-1c). Based on this documentation, prepared in accordance with the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement effective March 7, 2005, ECA believes that this proposed facility would have no adverse effect on any Historic Properties identified in accordance with the NPA. Therefore, we recommend a finding of "No Adverse Effect" for the proposed undertaking. We are submitting this letter for Municipal Communications, LLC to seek concurrence with this finding and to comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requirements as identified in 47 CFR 1.1307. We request your concurrence with our finding. Please contact our office with any questions or comments.