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Archaeological Reassessment of Project CSSTP-0007-00(408), Liberty/Tatnall Counties

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would consist of traffic signal upgrades at six intersections (four traffic signals in the City of Hinesville and two in the City of Glennville). All proposed construction would be restricted to within the existing right-of-way at each of the six intersections. The project was originally surveyed and cleared by Southeastern Archeological Services (SAS) in 2007 (HP# 061020-00 1-see attached Short Form). Since that time, the project has been redesigned and minor amounts of easement and required right-of-way (primarily miters) have been added at Intersections 1-5 (see attached plan sheets). Based on the previous results of SAS and the noted development at each of the intersections, no additional fieldwork is necessary to evaluate these minor changes.

An archaeological survey (Level I) was conducted in accordance with "GDOT/FHW A Cultural Resource Survey Guidelines" developed by the GDOT Staff Archaeologists in consultation with DNR Historic Preservation Section Staff and concurred in by the Federal Highway Administration and State Historic Preservation Officer. These guidelines provide general survey boundaries and methodological approaches to archaeological surveys based on the type/scope of proposed highway projects and are followed during the initial identification of archaeological resources.

By agreement, because no archaeological resources were located within the projects' area of potential effect, no signed concurrence from the State Historic Preservation Office is required. It is concluded, therefore, that the projects will have no effect upon archaeological resources on or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP provided that the projects conform to that described above.