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Interchange Reconstruction - Interstate 75 at SR 27, Dooly County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would replace the existing SR 27 bridge over 1-75 on new alignment with a 346-foot long by 71.25-foot wide structure. The proposed typical section of SR 27 would include two 12-foot travel lanes with 4-foot paved shoulders and 6-foot grass shoulders. Right and left turn lanes would be added to provide for traffic movements entering 1-75. To accommodate these left turn lanes, a 24-foot raised median would be added along SR 27 crossing the bridge. The proposed typical section of the SR 27 bridge over 1-75 would include two 12-foot lanes with 10-foot shoulders as well as a 24-foot raised median. The proposed typical section for the ramps include a 16- foot travel lane that widens to 24 feet to allow for a turn lane at the intersection. Realignments of CR 340, CR 209 and CR 155 would also be included to provide acceptable distances from the northbound and southbound exit ramps. The project would also include the addition of a frontage road made up of the realignments of CR 208 and CR 340 to provide access control in the vicinity of the interchange. The frontage road would be used by two service stations located west of 1-75. The project would also relocate the northbound and southbound entrance ramps. Proposed right-of-way will vary from approximately 150 to 200 feet along SR 27.