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Statement of National Register Eligibility for Archaeological Site 9BA6, Banks County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Site 9BA6 was revisited on May 29, 2014 during an archaeological survey for Georgia Department Transportation (GDOT) Project CSBRG-0007-00{15h PI No. 0007157, Proposed Bridge Replacement at SR 323 over Grove River, Banks County, Georgia. The proposed project is located along SR 323 at Grove River, approximately 6.5 miles west of Homer in Banks County, Georgia (Figure 1). The proposed project would replace the existing 28-foot wide bridge with a new 34-foot wide bridge. The new bridge would be shifted parallel (North) of the existing which would minimize environmental impacts. The proposed bridge would consist of two 11-foot travel lanes with 6-foot rural shoulders and will be 200 feet long. Existing ROW is 100 feet, and proposed ROW would be 150 feet. No temporary bridge will be constructed. The proposed project length would be approximately .60 miles.

In April 2014 the project description was revised to include required ROW along a portion of Queen Road from its intersection with SR 323 south for a distance of approximately 520 feet. Queen road will be realigned to tie in to SR 323 at an 80 degree skew. Existing ROW is approximately 75 feet, and required ROW varies between 75 and 100 feet.