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An Archaeological Survey of the Hampton Bypass and SR 20 Widening, Henry County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Between December of 1998 and February of 2002 staff archaeologists from the Georgia Department of Transportation conducted an archaeological survey of the proposed 8.2 mile Hampton Bypass and SR 20 widening in Henry County, Georgia. The new location bypass would begin just south of the Atlanta International Speedway and bypass Hampton on the south side. The bypass would tie in to existing SR 20 just east of the Hampton city limits, and from that point SR 20 would be widened to four lanes up to 1-75. The survey was conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, the Georgia Environmental Policy Act of 1991, and the Abandoned Cemeteries and Graves Protection Act of 1991.

As a result of this survey, seven previously unrecorded archaeological sites were documented. Four of the archaeological sites are located within or immediately adjacent to the project area of potential effect (APE) and are recommended as ineligible to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Three sites are located outside of the project APE and were not evaluated for the NRHP. It is concluded, therefore, that this project will not adversely affect any significant archaeological resources.