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Archaeological Survey Along Roadways in the Lake Russell Wildlife Management Area, Habersham and Stephens Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

An archaeological survey was conducted by the author in January, 2003, along the roadways within the Lake Russell Wildlife Management Area in Habersham and Stephens Counties. This was done prior to planned timber operations there. Southern Pine Beetles have killed much of the mature and immature pine timber within the past two years. The Forest Service plans to cut the trees, felling them away from the roadways to avoid danger to the public and blockage of the roadways. This survey was restricted to a 50-100ft (15-30 m) corridor from the road edges, and involved screened shovel testing of areas that had not be previously surveyed, and flagging new and known sites within the timber corridor to protect them from damage during the logging operations. Five new sites were found, and two more are reported here for the first time. A total of 14 sites were flagged for protection within or immediately adjacent to the timber corridor. There should be no effect on the cultural resources of this area by the proposed timber action, as the trees on the sites will be felled by hand chainsaw so as to miss any cultural features.