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A Phase I Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed White Oak Solar Project Site, Burke County, Georgia

Report Number
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White Oak Solar, LLC (White Oak Solar) proposes to construct a photovoltaic solar power facility southwest of the City of Waynesboro, in Burke County, Georgia. AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (AECOM) was contracted to perform a Phase I cultural resources assessment for this project. Fieldwork was conducted from 9 April to 18 April 2015 and on 12 May 2015 to assess and document potential historic properties located within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) of the planned, approximately 513-acre White Oak Solar project site. White Oak Solar is applying for a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 404, Nationwide Permit 51 for land-based renewable energy generation facilities. This cultural resources survey was performed in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as amended, as implemented by 36 CFR 800. This investigation complies with the State of Georgia’s Preservation Plan and follows the Georgia Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Surveys.

The archaeological survey included field inspections of the site via visual examination of exposed ground surfaces and systematic shovel testing at 30 meter (m) intervals with visual examination of exposed ground surfaces. One 1 x 2 m test unit was placed to conduct a more detailed examination in a portion of one site (9BK510). Six archaeological sites (three multicomponent and three historic) were identified within the project boundaries/direct effects APE. Two historic resources were identified outside the project footprint within the visual effects APE. One isolated occurrence (IO-1), a tested prehistoric flake blank, was also discovered within the project boundaries.

The three historic sites identified within the project boundary/direct effects APE included nineteenth to twentieth century material. The four multicomponent sites included both historic and prehistoric resources. Outside the project boundary but within the visual effects APE, stands an historic cemetery (or possibly the remains of two adjacent cemeteries) located south of the project site; and a Frame Vernacular “L” shaped residence located north of the project site. AECOM recommends that sites 9BK509-514 and historic structure HR-1 are not eligible for listing on the NRHP. The Carpenter Cemetery (9BK516) is recommended as not eligible under Criteria A-C, but remains undetermined for the NRHP under Criterion D.