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Statement of National Register Eligibility for Archaeological Site 9WG(DOT)20, Washington County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Site 9WG(DOT)20 was located on February 11, 2009 during an archaeological survey for Georgia Department of Transportation project STP-0007-00(415), Washington County. The proposed project would improve the intersection of SR 242 and Waco Mill Road and South Hospital Road. Site 9WG(DOT)20 was located within the proposed project's area of potential effect (APE).

Site 9WG(DOT)20 was located in an empty, overgrown lot on the north side of SR 242, just east of South Hospital Road. The site was discovered during shovel testing along the edge of required right-of-way along SR 242. A total of twenty shovel test units were excavated at 15 m intervals in an effort to delineate the site boundaries and to assess the integrity of the archaeological deposits. All shovel tests were screened with ¼” wire mesh screens and all artifacts were collected. Shovel test soil profiles were recorded for each shovel test unit.

Shovel testing at 9WG(DOT)20 revealed low density late 19th to late 20th century artifacts. The site is approximately 75 m x 20 m in size, oriented along SR 242. Of the nineteen shovel tests excavated, fourteen were negative and five were positive for artifacts. The five positive shovel tests yielded 3 plain whiteware fragments, 1 stoneware fragment, 3 brick fragments, 19 clear glass bottle fragments, 1 amethyst glass fragment, 3 window glass fragments, 1 brown glass fragment, 1 light bulb base, 3 UID metal fragments, and 1 car light bulb. The artifacts collected from shovel testing are consistent with the types of artifacts found on a historic house site. There does not appear to be a pattern to the artifact distribution that would indicate specific activity loci within the site boundaries. The artifact distribution seems to represent the scattered remains of a razed house site. The only intact remaining feature is the remains of an asphalt driveway for access onto SR 242. The assertion that 9WG(DOT)20 represents a razed house site is further supported by the presence of push piles on the site as well as disturbed soil profiles observed in many of the shovel test profiles. A house is depicted on the 1962 USGS quadrangle map at this location. It is likely that the home was abandoned between 1962-2008 and then subsequently razed using heavy equipment. The light density of artifacts present at the site would also suggest that the material associated with the razed house was removed and dumped at another location. Although the artifact density is low, a date range of the house site can be approximated using the presence of amethyst glass (1880-1915) and with the modern style light bulb (1960+). The house may have initially been a home site related to a larger agricultural complex and then later in the 20 century used simply a single family home.

Site 9WG(DOT)20 was evaluated for eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under Criterion D, information potential. According to National Register Bulletin 15, a site may be eligible for the NRHP if it has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in history or prehistory. Based on the disturbed context of site 9WG(DOT)20 as a result of the modern razing of the house site, it is concluded that the site is not likely to yield important information regarding research questions associated with house sites dating to the late 19 through late 20th century. According to "Historical Archaeology in Georgia", GARD Paper No. 14, evaluation of a historic site's eligibility for the NRHP must include an assessment of integrity of space, time, and occupation. Due to the severely disturbed context of the archaeological deposits at 9WG(DOT)20, the site lacks integrity of space, time, and occupation. As a result of the lack of integrity, none of the recommended research questions proposed in GARD Paper No. 14 can be addressed at 9WG(DOT)20. Site 9WG(DOT)20 is recommended not eligible for the NRHP.